Colorado Book Awards Finalist!
We just got the good news: “Colorado Humanities & Center for the Book is pleased to announce that your entry, Denver Mountain Parks: 100 Years of the Magnificent Dream, has been selected as a finalist in the 2014 Colorado Book Awards History category.”
This is a really significant thing. The exposure that this book has given to, and the impact it has already made on, the under-appreciated Mountain Parks has been dramatic. To add to that the recognition of its excellence in its own right is nothing more than magnificent. —Bart Berger
Congratulations! Well earned high honors.— Best, Tom Noel
Finalists will be recognized and winners will be announced at the Colorado Book Awards on Friday, June 13, 2014, at the Hotel Jerome in Aspen, Colorado. The celebration is part of the Aspen Summer Words 2014 Literary Festival. The full list of 2014 Colorado Book Award Finalists is posted at