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To us, that is…We are in the process of restoring content here at MountainParksFoundation.org. Read more about the Foundation on the About page.
We have great news to share! As of January 2013, a new book is in progress, the first comprehensive review of the history of the Denver Mountain Parks system. Containing a history and guidebook to the parks written by Wendy Rex-Atzet, Sally White, and Erika Walker, it will also feature stunning photos by John Fielder, Colorado’s premier landscape photographer, as well as historic photos (some with matching “Now” views by Fielder). An introduction by famed Denver historian Tom “Dr. Colorado” Noel, a preface by Mr. Fielder, and an Afterword by W.B. Berger, chair of the DMPF, complete the ensemble.
In all, the new book will be an informative addition to the legend and lore of this historic system. Look for it in August 2013, and check here for updates and previews of its progress.
Thanks for stopping by!
p.s. Want to help us get that book into print? Make a tax-deductible contribution to the Denver Mountain Parks Foundation by sending a check to Denver Mountain Parks Foundation, c/o 1775 Sherman Street Suite 1790, Denver, CO 80203
Through the wonders of the Internet, you may also contribute online–just click the drop-down menu at www.denverfoundation.org.