Lifelong Learning in Denver Mountain Parks with University of Denver

Karen Lindsay, board member of DMPF, is currently facilitating a five week class about the Denver Mountain Parks, at the University of Denver’s OLLI Program which is an adult learning membership program designed for inquiring adults, age 50 and “better” who wish to pursue lifelong learning in a relaxed non-competitive atmosphere.
The class is based on the book, Denver Mountain Parks, 100 Years of the Magnificent Dream written by Wendy Rex-Atzet, Sally L. White and Erika D. Walker with photography by John Fielder. The class is held once a week for two hours. The first hour of class includes an illustrated lecture about the parks. These lectures cover the history of the parks, the challenges of the parks, specific details of the parks such as the origin of the shelters and the creation of the trails, and the future of the parks.
The second part of the class includes field trips to specific Denver Mountain Parks primarily in the Jefferson County.
Gathering together in carpools, the class members drive up the Lariat Trail, visit the shelter house at Lookout Mountain, and visit the challenge course at Genesee Park.
They will spend an afternoon with the Bison and their caretaker at Genesee Park as well as an afternoon at the Morrison CCC Camp.
For more information about classes and the program at the University of Denver’s OLLI Program please see